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       Watches have been one of the longest, most consistent passions in my life. For over 20 years ,I have been looking at watches every single day. There was a lot of self-education and research, and it was possible to do so, before internet blogs and search engine results... For example, it was great to own hundreds of vintage Memovoxes and collect data on your own seeing subtle differences in the way an alarm triangle was applied by Singer for a certain ref a few years later in production, and mark generational differences on your own for the first time. When you know a vintage watch to a degree and own an example that is all original to the core, yet so well preserved, it is an intoxicating experience.  Nothing in the world carries that much depth with that much genuine history, art, design and engineering while being mobile ,wrapped to your wrist wherever you may go.


        It all started when I was 12 years old and my grandfather, a very important figure in          my life , after seeing him wear his Omega watch every day with great care, taking it off his wrist and giving it to me. In many ways, my first wristwatch was a vintage one, and all original one, thanks to him...

















From the moment my grandfather gave me his daily watch since the 70's , I caught the bug and went on an endless journey of learning about watches for the last 20 years. Due to the unique start, I never really cared to put watches into categories of old or new, but looked at them more like  timeless objects like how we look at great works of art and what each Indvidual piece sparked in me , whether due to great design , history or manufacturing or all.

 After starting my professional career in finance after the financial crash in 2008 , it gave me great freedom in purchasing large volumes of original, vintage watches that were considered for many too obscure and undesirable with no collectability value back then. Over the last 14 years I started travelling around the world seeking unique examples and slowly started building a careful network of people who also locally hunt watches for me in a regular basis, mainly in the route of sourcing watches from the original families and not the dealer treatments. This is a model that is definitely over fulltime for a single person to achieve , but it is also creating your own luck. Through this model I was able to discover some of the only all original examples I had yet seen. Some of these in all original condition include the earliest Eberhard Milan retailed monopusher , the only black dial , cuban retailed Cuerva Y Sobinos  Longines and  Omega Red Star 30T2s in Brazil that were kept with the original family since 1939.


















 On average I would see 1000-2000 watches a month and handpick 10-20 per month , only the best , well preserved condition. This model took a bit of a pause during Covid, but I do plan to fully relaunch it this year.


 In 2014 I founded the watch group Modern Day Watch Enthusiasts to openly discuss everything watches and a place for all collectors to gather. With vintage becoming increasingly popular, which meant fakes and f*ckery being labeled as all original and untouched I started making a weekly column highlighting what were wrong with these watches. Having a sudden demand from friends and at the time 3,000ish members requesting all original vintage watches I decided to setup a shop following the exact same standards my own collection was founded upon. The old business had done great, and this was also the same time I started trading on my own.  Overtime I realized that it was time for a new chapter, where the standards I have put in vintage watches being original and well preserved should have the chance to be appreciated at a much wider scale and to do this solo.

 This website is a work in progress , over the next few weeks I will be updating it constantly with  more pieces listed , new articles , sharing my own personal collection and collecting philosophy , as well as two very exciting projects I am happy to share in the upcoming month. 






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